Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees consists of seven elected, one appointed, and three standing ex-officio members. The elected members are parents and members of the school association. The three ex-officio members are the director of the school, the representative of the Consul General of the USA, and the Consul General of Japan.
Ms. Adriana Blomeyer
Mr. Felix Droste
Mr. Ralf Heine
Mr. Kay Krafft
Mr. Frank Rittmann
Mr. Nobuyuki Sato
Ms. Maaike Siemons
Dr. Frank Weigand
Mr. Jeremy Woodrow
Ex-officio Members
Mr. Simon Head – Director
Mr. Ryuta Mizuuchi – Consul General of Japan
Mr. Ken Walsh – Representative of the Consul General of the USA
Leadership Team
The Leadership Team at ISD consists of the 11 members of the senior management. The team meets regularly to provide direction for the day-to-day operation, the continued development of ISD and to ensure that learning is at the centre of long-term strategic and operational planning.
Mr. Simon Head
Senior School Principal
Mr. Michael Coffey
Elementary School Principal
Ms. Heather Collins
Senior School Deputy Principal
Mr. Colin Campbell
Elementary School Deputy Principal
Ms. Teresa Coffey
Admissions and External Relations Director
Ms. Beatrice Caston
Curriculum Innovation and Technology Director
Ms. Amy Dugré
Facilities Manager
Mr. Wolfgang Geuecke
Interim Finance and Administration Director
Mr. Fred Riedel
Sports and After-School Activities Director, Sportverein Manager
Mr. James Cochran
Human Resources Manager
Ms. Marie Willis